RJC Working Groups
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Community and City Advocacy
The Community Advocacy working group manages grassroots activism efforts and partners with community organizations to work on campaigns such as clinic defenses, increasing community awareness on various issues, and mobilizing the community for reproductive justice actions. We engage in actions across New York City and State and seek to foster community.
Queer and Trans Health
The Queer and Trans Health working group works to create a safe and affirming environment for queer community members and organizes to expand access to healthcare resources necessary for the growth and celebration of queer identities. In addition to hosting regular workshops, teach-ins, and social events, we are currently working on putting together a comprehensive queer health/reproductive health legislative tracker for New York State, as we continue to support the ongoing development of bills in Albany regarding sexual education, access to gender-affirming care, and more.
Direct Support
The Direct Support working group aims to find ways to help individuals and smaller communities directly with reproductive justice care. Some of our current projects include setting up an abortion doula collective to partner with other doula collectives in the community that can help support those at Barnumbia, as well as the broader NYC area, who are seeking abortion care. We also fundraise for groups that are improving reproductive care access in areas of critical need.
Campus Reproductive Care
The campus reproductive care group is working towards establishing equitable support for reproductive healthcare and access at both Barnard and Columbia. Projects include a collaboration with EC4EC where student distributors/educators will work to administer free emergency contraception and educational resources and community discussions/tablings to increase medication abortion awareness for students and anyone seeking reproductive access.